About Us Ellen in the Press National Conference of Women's Bar Associations (NCWBA) Summit Shares Secrets of Success

National Conference of Women's Bar Associations (NCWBA) Summit Shares Secrets of Success

Women Lawyers Journal
(A publication of the National Association of Women Lawyers, Unique Programs and Projects)
Fall 2004, Vol. 98, No. 1

Women from the D.C., Texas, and Alabama bar associations shared some of their more successful programs in a lively panel discussion...

Recognizing that women communicate differently than men, communications seminars are ...very popular. Dr. Ellen Ostrow, [an executive and career coach for lawyers], lead a seminar in Birmingham entitled Success in the Business of Law: Marketing and Management for the New Millennium. The focus of the seminar was to maximize marketing efforts with minimal time. Topics included (1) a dozen marketing tips for the time-starved lawyer; (2) take control of your career: how to develop a marketing strategy and how to market effectively; and (3) how firms can help their attorneys and how you can help yourself.


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Ellen Ostrow, Ph.D., CMC

Rockville, MD
Phone: 844-818-9471

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